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HORMONE PELLET THERAPYin Oakland, California

Oakland Hormone Pellet Therapy at Refine Anti-Aging and Aesthetics

The Simple Way to Restore Balance

Both men and women can feel "off" when their hormone levels have declined. Symptoms like low energy, decreased sex drive, weight gain are the most common complaints. Hormone pellets are the best way to restore your hormone levels, because they offer a continuous release of hormones and you don't have to apply a cream, take a pill, or inject yourself. Dr. Reshma Vasanwala at Refine Anti-Aging and Aesthetics strives to deliver the best hormone pellet therapy Oakland has to offer and has been helping people for years to live their best lives. Her holistic and empathetic approach to care means you won’t just look more beautiful — you’ll feel great from the inside out.

What is Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Advanced Hormone Replacement Technique

There are several ways to replace hormones, including creams, pills, or injections. One of the most convenient and popular ways is to have a hormone pellet inserted under the skin that continuously releases hormones. The pellets are the size of a grain of rice and placed in the hip area (1-2 for women and 5-10 for men). These customized pellets contain estrogen and/or testosterone for women, and testosterone for men. The procedure takes just a few minutes and the pellets last 3 months in women and 4 months in men. Both men and women can benefit from using hormone pellets because each implant is formulated specifically for the needs of the individual patient.

Oakland hormone pellet therapy model smiling

Why Choose Hormone Pellet Therapy?

What are the Benefits?

Pellets avoid the fluctuations of hormone levels seen with every other method of hormone delivery. This is important for optimal health and hormone balance. In studies, when compared to conventional hormone replacement therapy, pellets have been shown to be better for relief of menopausal symptoms, maintenance of bone density, restoration of sleep patterns, and improvement of sex drive and performance. Hormones that can be delivered via pellets:


In women going through menopause, restoring healthy estrogen levels can make a big difference in their quality of life. Symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, fatigue, skin quality, urinary incontinence can be addressed with estrogen use. It can also help limit the effects of osteoporosis and bone loss often seen during menopause.


Progesterone is typically used in conjunction with estrogen and is instrumental in helping estrogen address common symptoms of menopause. It has also been shown to be helpful in maintaining bone mineral density and decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It has aesthetic benefits too! Studies have linked progesterone to improved skin health and a lower rate of skin aging.


Testosterone pellets have been shown to increase energy, increase a sense of well-being, improve anxiety, depression, memory, and concentration. Additionally Testosterone pellets increase muscle strength and bone density and decrease fat mass.

Oakland hormone pellet therapy model with red hair

Am I a Good Candidate for Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Who can they help?

Hormone pellets are safe for use by almost everyone who is in overall good health but just needs help keeping their hormones in balance. Most commonly, people going through menopause seek out hormone pellet therapy, but both men and women can benefit. If you have symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, or other signs of menopause, hormone pellets can help.

Your Hormone Pellet Therapy Procedure

One Simple Appointment

Insertion is a simple in-office procedure and can be completed in as little as 20 minutes. Dr. Vasanwala will apply local anesthesia and make an incision in the upper hip area, placing the pellet inside. No stitches are necessary – the incision is so small, it can be closed up with tape. Nothing else is required after that, and the dressing will stay on for 5-7 days. Make sure to protect the implant from stress or trauma as the incision heals. Other than that, our Oakland hormone pellet therapy patients can return to their normal daily routine immediately.

Oakland hormone pellet therapy model smiling

Hormone Pellet Therapy Results

Your Balance Restored

After implantation, your hormone pellets will begin steadily releasing hormones into your bloodstream. You can usually expect to begin noticing positive changes after two to three weeks. Pellets are easy to live with, and they are one of the safest and most effective methods of hormone replacement. In women, the pellets last 3 months and, in men, they last about 4 months.

Schedule your Oakland Hormone Pellet Therapy Consultation with Refine Anti-Aging and Aesthetics Today

Get Your Balance Back

If you’re ready to get your hormones in balance without having to overhaul your life, click here to contact us today. At Refine Anti-Aging and Aesthetics, we’re committed to helping you live your most full, healthy, and beautiful life!

Hormone Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

Implanting hormone pellets is virtually painless. We numb the skin with Lidocaine and it requires a very small incision that doesn't even need stitches to close. In fact, the appointment only takes about 20 minutes!

Pellet therapy involves a very simple process. An initial evaluation with blood work is performed to identify your needs. The pellet is painlessly inserted under numbed skin in your hip region. Additional pellets to maintain your hormone levels will be placed every 4 months depending on your personal needs.

Hormone pellets have been used since the late 1930s, and are one of the safest and most effective forms of hormone replacement therapy. Though natural creams, gels, and oral progesterone are safe, pellets are better for achieving and maintaining a steady level of hormones. Pellets also bypass the liver eliminating many of the side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy.

The cost of the procedure is anywhere from $350-$500 depending on the number of pellets placed and pellets are placed every 3-4 months.

Pellets deliver a consistent level of hormone into the bloodstream avoiding the fluctuations seen when using creams or injections. Pills and topical applications require you to add a step to your daily routine, while you don’t even have to think about your hormones when you’re using a pellet.

Schedule your Oakland anti-aging appointment at Refine Anti Aging today

You could wait to feel and look your best… but why would you? If you’re interested in Oakland’s best anti-aging treatments, you owe it to yourself to give Refine Anti-Aging Medicine and Aesthetics a try. Let Dr. Vasanwala get you on the path to maximizing your well-being by scheduling your appointment today! You can also call or text us at the number listed.

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3645 Grand Ave, Ste 301, Oakland, CA

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